Thursday, January 6, 2011


I have a HUGE problem with focus.

I am very easily distracted when it comes to spending time with God, and that's just not right. I'll start out fine, then my phone will buzz, or I'll think of something "better to do", or I'll just not be in the mood. Am I the only one who finds these excuses disgusting?

That's just pathetic! He's THE LORD OF THE UNIVERSE. How on Earth do I think I'm important enough to have something better to do than to spend time with Him?! How can I not be in the mood to talk to Him whenever I KNOW that He'll make any and all worries fade away into nothingness? I'm just so ungrateful sometimes, it repulses me.

Anyways, I come to any readers I have with a plea for help. I would like to ask for some prayer. I need help to stay more focused. I need to get my rear in gear, and work on strengthening my relationship with God. If you(assuming that there IS a "you") could just say a little prayer for me, I'd be much appreciative.

♥, A.

1 comment:

  1. Hey this is a great blog Amanda! You should post more! And you About Me page is awesome, I've never liked that way of leading people to Christ and I'm so glad that you realize that it's so NOT about just saying a prayer but giving our lives - our complete lives - to the Lord! I'm praying right now that you will keep following hard after Christ. He's got treasures we can't begin to dream of. Hey, I know it's hard to keep up with spending time with the Lord (currently, I'm struggling too) but if you'd like some encouragement or someone to talk to, email me, for real. I'd love to! faraboverubiesatattdotnet
