Monday, November 8, 2010

Life Purposes

Recently, my youth group has started studying about our life purposes and what God means for us to do. It's been REALLY great so far. I've always been curious as to what my purpose in life could be. Our youth leader gives us a list of questions, which we are supposed to take home and answer. She doesn't want us to just write whatever, though; She really wants us to think hard about them.

So far we've had 2 rounds of questions. The first round was fairly simple and didn't take that much time to do. They were deep, but not too intimidating. They didn't answer my question, either. It wasn't until we got the 2nd batch of questions that I was starting to get seriously amazed.

I had been praying to God to reveal to me what my purpose in life could be. I prayed that I wouldn't miss it if He showed me. I was so scared that I wouldn't have a purpose. I'm the sort of person who NEEDS to be needed. I knew that God has a reason for everyone, but I was still having my doubts.

Anyways, one night after we got these new questions, I was sitting in bed, with my notebook and the questions laid out in front of me. Before I began to write, I bowed my head and I prayed to God. I asked Him to show me what my purpose is, and I asked Him to help me to answer those questions. I put my pencil to the paper, and the words just began to flow out. I couldn't stop writing. Everything seemed to clear and obvious to me. I began to notice that I was using the words "helping" and "inspiring" a lot. I also had wrote down that my friends say that I'm very caring, comforting, and uplifting.

It was then that it just sort of hit me; God wants me to help and inspire people. He wants me to help people emotionally, physically mentally, and maybe even spiritually someday. He wants me to make those in need and/or suffering feel loved, understood, needed, wanted, better, and safe. It made so much sense! I've already been through enough of those type of situations to know that I could handle them. I knew that I could help people, but I had never considered that to be a purpose in life.

I'll still keep my eyes and heart open, and listen for Him to speak again, but I really believe that God told me my purpose(or at least hinted at what it could be) that night.

Please keep me and my youth group in your prayers as we continue our study!

♥, A.

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